Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fruit Tree

The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
Proverbs 11:30

I was reading recently in Proverbs and came across this verse. As I was reading it struck me as interesting that the fruit of the righteous isn't fruit at all but a tree. Now there are all kinds of fruit trees, but I know of no fruit that is a tree. Fruit comes from trees but a tree can't be considered a fruit. And yet Solomon says the fruit of the righteous is...a tree? While his words may offend our agricultural sensibilities the truth behind Solomon's statement is pretty profound. Fruit is generally something used to provide pleasure and nourishment until it is used up. But the fruit of righteousness is never used up. It keeps giving and giving and giving. We see this in the way a righteous person's wisdom and love continue to bless those who receive it over and over, even after they are gone. I bet you know someone in your life of whom this is true. We also see it as the person's righteous life continues to yield blessing after blessing for themselves as they partake of the fruit of their labors. Righteousness is it's own benefit, its own reward, and it's fruit is an ever giving tree of life's blessings. I hope you're reaping the benefits of a righteous life. God Bless.

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