My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,
James 1:19
We don't listen. We don't listen to God, we don't listen to each other, we don't even listen to ourselves. We do things we know aren't good for us. We do things we know the Lord doesn't want for us. We do things we don't even want to do. All because we aren't listening. Even when we're not talking, we're still talking to ourselves, trying to tell ourselves what we want and what we need and how we can have it all if we'll just get strong enough or bold enough to go after it. But the truth is we don't know what we want or what we need. We'll never know until we stop talking and start listening; first to the Lord, then to one another, and finally to ourselves. For all that we need and most of what we want can be achieved though our relationships with each each other if we'll put God first and listen.